International and Local Partnerships

1. International Partnerships

1.1 Partnership with Finnish universities and institutions

CTQ’s management team has a strong relationship with Finnish educational and service institutions, following fruitful and extensive cooperation over the past several years. CTQ offers a number of existing programs and projects in cooperation with Finnish institutions, as follows:


1.1.1 Cooperation Agreement with JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland:

Because Finnish education has a global reputation for quality education and modern teaching and learning methods, CTQ has signed a cooperation agreement with JAMK University of Science and Technology in Finland. The aim is to transfer advanced knowledge and technology from Fi


nland to Egypt through establishment of partnerships between Egyptian and Finnish universities and schools. In addition, such an agreement  will allow the Finnish expertise to develop the skills of Egyptian teachers and provide consultations to universities and schools, and also exchange professors and students between Egypt and Finland.The agreement between CTQ and JAMK University will also provide an opportunity for Egyptian students to study abroad through joining JAMK University, offering them a discount on tuition fees. The agreement also includes the participation of experts from JAMK University in conferences and exhibitions held in Egypt and organized by CTQ. Training programs in various fields will be held in Egypt by experts from JAMK University, and trainees will get certificates from JAMK University upon completion of their training program.


1.1.2 Online (remote) Training Programs

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between CTQ and MIF Academy, which represents the educational division of Soprano Plc in Finland, CTQ provides a set of on-line training. These programs are in the following fields: Accounting, information technology programs, life skills programs, management and leadership, health care programs, and professional development programs for teachers, in addition to Cyber ​​Security programs.At the end of the program, the trainees will get a certificate from MIF Academy recognized by The Finnish National Education Board in Finland.

2.Local partnerships

2.1. Partnership with the National Center for Human Resources Development of the Egyptian Federation of Investors:

The National Center for Human Resources Development is the executive arm of the federation of investors at the national level. It contributes to the development of manpower through partnership with the Ministry of Education in implementing the dual education and training system through regional units all over Egypt. The center also carries out all training activities and research studies.

A cooperation agreement has been signed between CTQ and the center in the field of human resources development, especially in the field of designing, marketing and implementing training courses that serve the labor market.

2.2. Partnership with the Syndicate of Scientific Professions:

CTQ is very keen to approve training certificates for training programs and professional diplomas from accredited agencies of good reputation, and therefore. A cooperation agreement has been signed between CTQ and the Syndicate of Scientific Professions in Egypt. Based on this agreement, trainees will be get certificate of completion of training accredited by the Syndicate. Such certificate can be endorsed from Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

2.3 Partnership with the Agro-Food Industry Alliance:

The Alliance of Agro-Food Industries aims to deepen local industrialization in the agro-food industries and increase the competitiveness of this sector by gathering and networking national competencies in universities, research institutions, NGOs and the private sector. This is to stimulate innovation and technology transfer in order to solve urgent problems in the food industry sector. The alliance consists of international and local partners from universities, research institutions, industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, the private sector and NGOs.CTQ participates in this alliance to contribute to market new technology related to the agro-food sector and to encourage entrepreneurship as well as contribute to increasing exports and reducing imports in this sector. The agreement also includes marketing the products for export of the Egyptian food industries abroad.
